National Basketball Federation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Match center

FIBA U-18 Asian Championship among women's teams 2018
India U18
Play off, FInal
03.11.2018 (Sa), 17:15
Venue: Koramangala Indoor Stadium (Bengaluru)
Main time
16:9 16:7 22:12 14:17
Game: 20
Spectators: 0 (0.00%, at capacity 2000)

The national team of Kazakhstan won the second place in the Asian Championship among women's U-18 teams

03.11.2018    Views: 2933
Source: Press service

The women's national basketball team of Kazakhstan took the second place in the Division "B" of the Asian Championship U-18, losing the final victory to the hosts of the tournament – the Indian team.

Before reviewing the match, we offer to recall the history of our team's performance in the main Asian basketball tournament among women's teams. The national team of Kazakhstan for the first time took part in the 18th Asian Championship U-18 in the Division "B" in 2007, which was held in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. Then our girls took the 3rd place in the division and the final 9th place. At the next Championship in 2008, held in Indonesia, the Kazakh national team became the best in the second division and won the right to participate in the elite division at the next Asian championship, but in 2010 our girls took the last line of the standings and returned to the Division "B". In 2012, the Kazakhstan team won bronze medals, and following the results of the next two championships in 2014 and 2016, Kazakhstani basketball players took the 4th place.

As for the performance at the current championship, the path of our team to the final cannot be called easy. In the first match of the group stage, our girls failed, losing to the Syrian national team with the score – 40:56. Despite a bad start, the wards of Alexander Gusev, gathered and rehabilitated in the second match against Samoa, the meeting ended with the score – 51:67. In the final match of the group stage, luck again turned away from our team, and the victory was celebrated by representatives of Hong Kong – 80:73. Thus, taking the final 3rd place in the group, Kazakhstan team reached the quarterfinals where without problems has understood with the national team of Iran – 56:71. In the semifinals, our girls again faced the Syrians, but this time the victory went to Kazakhstan – 56:76.

In the final match against the hostesses of the tournament the key factor of the advantage of the national team of India was not only the support of native tribunes, but also dry statistical facts. It is quite difficult to psychologically go to the floor against the team, behind which no defeat. Nevertheless, our team was able to give a fitting rebuff to rivals and not to give up until the very end, despite the fact that in both quarters of the first half of the match Indian basketball players scored 16 points, while our girls managed to score the same in General. After a long break, the Kazakh women continued to resist, but the hostesses were decisive in their desire to strengthen their positions and run beyond 20 points, which they succeeded. The last ten minutes of playing time were already in a more relaxed rhythm, when the fate of the first place was already decided. After the final siren, the victory was celebrated by the national team of India, which won the right to participate in Division "A" of the next championship, and our girls took the final second place. The third place went to the team of Syria, which in the previous match beat the representatives of Hong Kong.

We congratulate all basketball fans and fans of our team on this, of course, an important achievement and wish the girls to achieve even greater sporting heights.

The composition of our team, detailed information about the tournament, tournament tables and the schedule of matches are published on our website in the National Team section.

The General sponsor of the NBF and the national basketball team of Kazakhstan – "Mediker Sport" company.

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