National Basketball Federation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The National team of Kazakhstan on basketball missed the victory in the match with Jordan, but not a ticket to the Asian Cup 2021

14.06.2021    Views: 16326
Source: Press service
Unfortunately, the Kazakhstan men's national basketball team failed to take revenge on the Jordan team in the final match of the group stage qualification for the 2021 Asian Cup. But this did not prevent the “Steppenwolves” from winning a ticket to the continental championship.

It is important to note that Jordan defeated the Palestinian national team the day before, and thus the Kazakhstani team had already reached the Asian Cup 2021, regardless of the outcome of this game. Recall that the Jordanians beat the “Steppe Wolves” in the capital of Kazakhstan with a difference of three points - 68:71, in addition, they are significantly ahead of Kazakhstanis in the FIBA ​​rating - 40th in the world for Jordan and 74th for Kazakhstan. Thus, the hosts of this match were the favorites in this meeting. In addition, a couple of players from the base - Anthony Clemmons and Alexander Zhigulin - did not come to this game in our national team, and Marko Velichkovic played the role of head coach. Rustam Murzagaliev, Nikolay Bazhin, Maxim Marchuk, Robert Pan and Askar Maidekin entered the battle from the start.

Kazakhstan Men's National Basketball Team - Qualification for the Asia Cup 2021

After the starting toss, the ball remained with Steppenwolfs and, though not in the first attack, our guys opened the score in this match - Maxim Marchuk scored. Already in the next attack, Nikolay Bazhin scored the first accurate three. However, a good start did not make the game productive. The Jordanians were able to chalk up the first points at the end of the third minute, but in the middle of the first period the score was already equal and not at all effective - 7: 7. In addition to Marchuk and Bazhin, in the first five minutes, only Askar Maidekin gained the benefit of our team's piggy bank. In addition, the judges very often whistled in our direction, and almost immediately after the equator of the quarter, Kazakhstan had five team remarks on its account. Despite the points from Anton Bykov, the Jordanians were able to take the lead, and our team played the role of catching up to the end of the quarter. Our guys had difficulties with scoring and fouls, and Jordan moved ahead by 6 points. At the end of the period, “Steppenwolfs” were able to cope with the pressure and as a result, after two three-pointers from Vadim Shcherbak and a free kick from Nikolai Bazhin, the gap was reduced to one point - 19:18. In general, it is worth noting that the Jordanians scored more than half of their points from the penalty line in the first ten minutes. In the second period, our team began to act more confidently and, as the rivals did not resist at the start, the Kazakh players were able to seize the lead after scored points from Shaim Kuanov, Vadim Shcherbak and Dmitry Gavrilov. Our rivals already had problems with fouls, but for some time our team did not manage to noticeably break away. And yet, by the middle of the second quarter, Kazakhstanis were already in the lead by 7 points. Dmitry Gavrilov made an excellent start of this segment, and Robert Pan also scored points. The hosts of the site quickly exacerbated the situation, reducing the gap to only two points, but in the end, the Kazakhstan team did not allow to catch up and was leading after the first half by five points - 34:39.

Rustam Murzagaliev - Qualifying for Asian Cup 2021

After a long break, nothing foreshadowed any changes in the course of the match. Vadim Shcherbak converted another three-pointer, and the difference was 6 points in our favor. But the Kazakh team then had serious problems with the defeat of the rivals' ring, while the Jordanians significantly increased in attack and managed to catch up and overtake the guests quite quickly. In the middle of the quarter, Anton Ponomarev was able to send the ball exactly into the ring from beyond the arc, and then Vadim Shcherbak held it, after which “Steppenwolves” again took the lead and it seemed that the “protective spell” had been removed from the rivals' ring, but this turned out to be wrong ... The Kazakhstani played pretty well in defense, but with an attack, or rather with its final stage - an accurate throw, while there was trouble. Two and a half minutes before the end of the third period, Shaim Kuanov reduced the difference to one point, but before the end of the quarter the Jordanians reached a double-digit advantage for the first time in this game with a swift unanswered spurt. The last points in ten minutes were earned by Dmitry Gavrilov, who set the final score after three quarters - 59:51. The difference was not catastrophic - it is more than realistic to win back 8 points in 10 minutes, but the hosts very tenaciously clung to their advantage. No matter how well the “Steppenwolves” did not work out in defense, but the problems with the implementation of the throws did not disappear anywhere. The Jordanians twice in the first five minutes got to ten points of advantage, but in the end, in the middle of the quarter, their lead was the same 8 points as at the beginning of the period. After the realized “end one” right after the equator ten minutes from Nikolay Bazhin the difference was reduced to five points and it was quite hot on the court. In the next couple of minutes, Kazakhstan's gap was around 7-5 points, and in the end the Jordanians played more confidently, and most importantly, more efficiently than our team, thanks to which their gap for the first time in the match exceeded ten points and amounted to 14. Time was already playing on side of the hosts, and in the remaining seconds it was extremely difficult to pull out the victory. As a result, today's game remained with the Jordan national team with a score of 80:70 (19:18, 15:21, 25:12, 21:19).

Best players of the match:
  • Jordan: Whom our players absolutely failed to cope with today was the Jordanian “big” - Ahmadam Al-Dwairi, who scored an impressive double-double - 26 points and 14 rebounds, and also handed out 4 assists.
  • Kazakhstan: Nikolay Bazhin became the author of the double-double - 14 points and 10 rebounds + 5 assists. Dmitry Gavrilov also scored 14 points, and in addition chalked up 6 rebounds. Vadim Shcherbak has 12 points, and Shaim Kuanov earned 8 points and 3 assists.
Post-match press conference:

Detailed information on the participation of the National Team of Kazakhstan in the Qualification for the Asian Cup 2021, the team line-up, standings, schedule and match results are published on the Federation website in the National Teams section.

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